Sunday, April 11, 2010

What the Hell am I Doing

I realize that my last post was a bit random and I thought it may be helpful to describe what it is that I'm trying to do with this site!

In my very first blog post, I talked about how I put off writing a blog because I couldn't think of any good reason for people to want to read or hear what I had to say....and concluded that, thanks to what I like to call a "divine bitch slap", this isn't my story at all, it's God's story. All of us have our stories to tell and those stories are all just small pieces of a larger story being written every day.

I created this blog over two years ago at the request of a friend. I had just started seminary and was slowly becoming an active voice of leadership in my church. As time went on, I found myself in a pastoral intern role, putting seminary on hold, while still working a full-time job and raising two kids as a single and recently divorced parent. Now, during a time of more transition, continuing this blog seems like a good idea.

So what the hell am I doing with it?! My goal is to share and process through some pressing issues that have come to the surface over the last couple of years, discuss the spiritual impact of these experiences, and to look ahead at what's next. Most of these thoughts relate to the church, where it's gone wrong and where it has the opportunity to redeem itself, and how these opportunities are crucial to the larger story of our culture, political environment, and spiritual vitality.

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